\name{reg.coeffs} \alias{reg.coeffs} \title{ Calculate true variables regression coefficients} \description{ \code{reg.coeffs} calculates back regression coefficients for true variables (experimental groups) from dummy variables regression coefficients. } \usage{ reg.coeffs(coefficients, indepen = groups.vector[nchar(groups.vector)==min(nchar(groups.vector))][1], groups.vector, group) } \arguments{ \item{coefficients}{ vector of regression coefficients obtained from a regression model with dummy variables } \item{indepen}{ idependent variable of the regression formula} \item{groups.vector}{ vector indicating the true variable of each variable in \code{coefficients} } \item{group}{ true variable for which regression coefficients are to be computed } } \details{ regression coefficients in coefficients vector should be ordered by polynomial degree in a regression formula, ie: intercept, $x$ term, $x^2$ term, $x^3$ term, and so on... } \value{ \item{reg.coeff}{vector of calculated regression coefficients} } \references{Conesa, A., Nueda M.J., Alberto Ferrer, A., Talon, T. 2005. maSigPro: a Method to Identify Significant Differential Expression Profiles in Time-Course Microarray Experiments. } \author{ Ana Conesa, aconesa@ivia.es; Maria Jose Nueda, mj.nueda@ua.es} \examples{ groups.vector <-c("CT", "T1vsCT", "T2vsCT", "CT", "T1vsCT","T2vsCT", "CT", "T1vsCT", "T2vsCT") coefficients <- c(0.1, 1.2, -0.8, 1.7, 3.3, 0.4, 0.0, 2.1, -0.9) ## calculate true regression coefficients for variable "T1" reg.coeffs(coefficients, groups.vector = groups.vector, group = "T1") } \keyword{ misc }