\name{ibhForMultipleGeneLists} \alias{ibhForMultipleGeneLists} \title{ Calculate interaction based homogeneity for multiple gene lists according to the interaction list} \description{ This function calculated interactios based homogeneity for multiple gene lists according to the interaction list } \usage{ ibhForMultipleGeneLists(interactionList, listofGeneList)} \arguments{ \item{interactionList}{List containing the interactions. For each gene/protein, the is an entry in the list with "name" containing name of the gen/protein and "interactors" containing the list of genes/proteins interacting with it.} \item{listofGeneList}{List of list of genes/proteins for which interaction based homogeneity is evaluated. } } \value{ A vector of floats representing interaction based homogeneity for each list } \author{Kircicegi Korkmaz} \seealso{ \code{\link{ibh}}} \examples{ require(simpIntLists) data(ArabidopsisBioGRIDInteractionEntrezId) listofGeneList <- list(list(839226,817241, 824340, 832179, 818561, 831145, 838782, 826404), list( 832018, 839226, 839226, 838824)); ibhForMultipleGeneLists( ArabidopsisBioGRIDInteractionEntrezId, listofGeneList) } \keyword{file}