\name{gt.object class} \docType{class} \alias{p.value} \alias{gt.object} \alias{result} \alias{size} \alias{subsets} \alias{extract} \alias{gt.object-class} \alias{show,gt.object-method} \alias{summary,gt.object-method} \alias{size,gt.object-method} \alias{[,gt.object-method} \alias{[[,gt.object-method} \alias{length,gt.object-method} \alias{p.adjust,gt.object-method} \alias{weights,gt.object-method} \alias{hist,gt.object-method} \alias{result,gt.object-method} \alias{subsets,gt.object-method} \alias{model.matrix,gt.object-method} \alias{p.value,gt.object-method} \alias{z.score,gt.object-method} \alias{names,gt.object-method} \alias{names<-,gt.object-method} \alias{alias,gt.object-method} \alias{alias<-} \alias{alias<-,gt.object-method} \alias{sort,gt.object-method} \alias{extract,gt.object-method} \alias{sterms,gt.object-method} \title{Class "gt.object" for storing the result of the function gt} \description{The class gt.object is the output of a call to \code{\link{gt}}. It stores the information needed for various diagnostic plots. } \section{Slots}{ These slots are not meant to be directly accessed by the user. \describe{ \item{\code{result}:}{Object of class "matrix". The number of rows of this matrix is the number of tests performed. The matrix has at least the columns "p-value", "Statistic" "Expected", "Std.dev", and "#Cov".} \item{\code{extra}:}{Object of class "data.frame". Holds additional information that may be added later about the tests performed, such as multiplicity-adjusted p-values (see \code{\link{p.adjust}}), alias names for tests and comparative proportions (see \code{\link{comparative}}).} \item{\code{call}:}{The matched call to \code{\link{gt}}.} \item{\code{functions}:}{A "list" of various functions used by the \code{\link{covariates}} and \code{\link{subjects}} functions and the various methods.} \item{\code{subsets}:}{A "list" or "NULL". Stores the subsets tested, if more than one.} \item{\code{structure}:}{A "list" or "NULL". Stores subset and superset relationships between the sets in the "subsets" slot.} \item{\code{weights}:}{A "list" or "NULL". Stores the weight vectors used for testing, if more than one.} \item{\code{alternative}:}{If \code{\link{gt}} was called with \code{x = TRUE}, stores the design matrix of the alternative hypothesis; "NULL" otherwise.} \item{\code{null}:}{If \code{\link{gt}} was called with \code{x = TRUE}, stores the design matrix of the null hypothesis; "NULL" otherwise.} \item{\code{directional}}{Stores the \code{directional} argument of the call to \code{\link{gt}}.} \item{\code{legend}}{Object of class "list". Stores appropriate legends for the \code{\link{covariates}} and \code{\link{subjects}} plots.} \item{\code{model}}{Object of class "character". Stores the model.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{(gt.object): Prints the test results: p-value, test statistic, expected value of the test statistic under the null hypothesis, standard deviation of the test statistic under the null hypothesis, and number of covariates tested.} \item{summary}{(gt.object): Prints the test results (as \code{show}) plus additional information on the model and the test.} \item{p.value}{(gt.object): Extracts the p-values.} \item{z.score}{(gt.object): Extracts z-score: (Test statistic - Expected value) / Standard deviation.} \item{result}{(gt.object): Extracts the results matrix together with the additional (e.g. multiple testing) information in the \code{extra} slot.} \item{extract}{(gt.object): Extracts the results matrix for the leaf nodes after a call to \code{link{covariates}}, with information on direction of association.} \item{sort}{(gt.object): Sorts the pathways to increasing p-values. Equal p-values are sorted on decreasing z-scores.} \item{"["}{(gt.object): Extracts results of one or more test results if multiple tests were performed. Identical to "[[".} \item{"[["}{(gt.object): Extracts results of one or more test results if multiple tests were performed. Identical to "[".} \item{length}{(gt.object): The number of tests performed.} \item{size}{(gt.object): Extracts a vector with the number of alternative covariates tested for each test.} \item{names}{(gt.object): Extracts the row names of the results matrix.} \item{names<-}{(gt.object): Changes the row names of the results matrix. Duplicate names are not allowed, but see \code{alias}.} \item{alias}{(gt.object): Extracts the "alias" column of the results matrix that can be used to add additional information on each test perfomed.} \item{alias<-}{(gt.object): Changes the "alias" column of the results matrix. Note that unlike for names, duplicate aliases are allowed.} \item{weights}{(gt.object): extracts the effective weights of the covariates as they are used internally by the test.} \item{subsets}{(gt.object): extracts the "subsets" slot.} \item{hist}{(gt.object): Produces a histogram to visualize the permutation test statistics. Only relevant after permutation testing.} \item{covariates}{(gt.object): Produces a plot to show the influence of individual covariates on the test result. See \code{\link{covariates}} for details.} \item{subjects}{(gt.object): Produces a plot to show the influence of individual subjects on the test result. See \code{\link{subjects}} for details.} \item{p.adjust}{(gt.object): Performs multiple testing correction and produces multiplicity-corrected p-values. See \code{\link{p.adjust}} for details.} \item{comparative}{(gt.object): Compares the p-values of tests performed on a subsets or weights with p-values of random subsets of covariates of same size or randomly distributed weights. See \code{\link{comparative}} for details.} \item{sterms}{(gt.object): Prints the smooth terms specified by \code{\link{gtPS}}, \code{\link{gtKS}} or \code{\link{gtLI}}.} } } \author{Jelle Goeman: \email{j.j.goeman@lumc.nl}; Jan Oosting} \seealso{\code{\link{gt}}, \code{\link{covariates}}, \code{\link{subjects}}.} \keyword{methods} \examples{ # Simple examples with random data here # Real data examples in the Vignette # Random data: covariates A,B,C are correlated with Y Y <- rnorm(20) X <- matrix(rnorm(200), 20, 10) X[,1:3] <- X[,1:3] + 0.5*Y colnames(X) <- LETTERS[1:10] # Make a gt.object sets <- list(odd = c(1,3,5,7,9), even = c(2,4,6,8,10)) res <- gt(Y, X, subsets=sets) # Show the results res summary(res) sort(res) p.value(res) subsets(res) # Names names(res) names(res) <- c("ODD", "EVEN") alias(res) <- c("odd covariates", "even covariates") # Multiple testing p.adjust(res, method = "holm") p.adjust(res, method = "BH") # Diagnostics weights(res) covariates(res[1]) extract(covariates(res[1])) subjects(res[1]) # Permutation testing res <- gt(Y, X, perm = 1e4) hist(res) }