\name{rangeColMeans} \alias{rangeColMeans} \title{Calculate column means for multiple ranges} \usage{ rangeColMeans(bounds, x) } \arguments{ \item{bounds}{A two column integer matrix of row indices} \item{x}{A numeric matrix with rows corresponding to indices in bounds.} } \value{ A numeric matrix or vector, matching the form of x. One row for each row in bounds, one col for each col of x and appropriate dimnames. If x is a vector, just a vector with names from the rownames of bounds. } \description{ Essentially colMeans with a loop, all in a .Call. Designed to take a 2-column matrix of row indices, bounds, for a matrix, x, and calculate mean for each range in each column (or along a single vector). bounds matrix need not cover all rows. } \author{ Peter M. Haverty \email{phaverty@gene.com} } \seealso{ Other "range summaries": \code{\link{boundingIndices}}, \code{\link{boundingIndices2}}, \code{\link{boundingIndicesByChr}}, \code{\link{rangeSampleMeans}} }