\name{attachAssayDataElements} \alias{attachAssayDataElements} \title{Attach on-disk matrices into assayData} \usage{ attachAssayDataElements(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{eSet} } \value{ assayData in storage mode of input assayData, invisibly. Re-assignment back original eSet only necessary if using a list type assayData. } \description{ GenoSet objects can hold big.matrix objects in their assayData slot environment. After re-loading the GenoSet from disk, these objects will each need to be re-attached to their on-disk component using their resource locators stored in their "desc" attributes. This function checks each assayDataElement to see if it is an un-attached big.matrix object, re-attaching if necessary. All other assayDataElements are left untouched. In later releases this function will also handle other on-disk types, like HDF5-based matrices. } \details{ *** Intentional side-effects *** Environment type assayData objects, even "lockedEnvironment" objects, will be updated in place (same pointer). This allows for functions trying to access assayDataElements to attach before access, rather than crashing R. } \author{ Peter M. Haverty \email{phaverty@gene.com} }