\name{table2} \alias{table2} \title{ Format and sort a contigency table } \description{ Formats the output of \code{\link{table}} into an matrix ordered by total counts in descending order } \usage{ table2(\dots, n = 10) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{ one or more objects passed to \code{\link{table}} } \item{n}{ number of rows to display, default 10 } } \details{Currently limited to 1 or 2 dimensional table arrays. } \value{ A matrix, sorted by total counts in descending order. Any rows or columns with zero counts are also removed from the matrix.} %\references{ } \author{Chris Stubben } %\note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{table}} } \examples{ data(euks) table(euks$subgroup) table2(euks$subgroup) ## to display all rows, use NA or a large number... table2(euks$subgroup, n=100) # 2-d table table2(euks$group, year(euks$released)) } \keyword{ methods }