\name{ncbiSubmit} \alias{ncbiSubmit} \title{ NCBI submission dates } \description{ Returns the date a sequence was submitted to NCBI using the Direct Submission line in the GenBank file } \usage{ ncbiSubmit(term, db = "nuccore") } \arguments{ \item{term}{ Any valid combination of Entrez search terms or a vector of accessions numbers } \item{db}{Entrez sequence database to search, default nuccore } } \details{ Searches an Entrez sequence database, downloads GenBank files and parses the JOURNAL line containing a submitted date, for example, \code{JOURNAL Submitted (03-SEP-1999) ...}. } \value{ a data.frame with accession, definition, and submitted date } %\references{ } \author{ Chris Stubben } \note{ If more than two submitted dates are found, then the earliest date is returned. This script uses E-fetch, so retrievals to the genome and other database will not work. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ncbiRelease}} } \examples{ #Yersinia pestis reference sequences ncbiSubmit("Yersinia pestis CO92[ORGN] AND refseq[FILTER]") # Ebola virus - no patents or references ebola<- ncbiSubmit("Ebolavirus[ORGN] NOT gbdiv_pat[PROP] NOT refseq[FILTER]") head(ebola) # a few early submissions may be missing subset(ebola, is.na(submitted)) table(year(ebola$submit)) } \keyword{ methods }