\name{ncbiProject} \alias{ncbiProject} \title{ NCBI BioProject database } \description{ Search the Entrez BioProject (Genome Project) at NCBI and retrieve a project summary table } \usage{ ncbiProject(term, refseq = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{term}{ any valid combination of Entrez search terms } \item{refseq}{ include RefSeq and Overview projects, if false then only primary submissions excluding RefSeq. } } \details{ Searches the new BioProject database using the ESearch utility } \value{ A genomes data frame with 32 summary fields columns } \references{A description of the Entrez programming utilities is at \url{http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/}. } \author{ Chris Stubben } %\note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{ncbiGenome}} } \examples{ #ncbiProject("Pan[ORGN]") x <- ncbiProject("Yersinia[ORGN]") x t(x[2,]) #second row summary(x) } \keyword{ methods}