\name{ncbiNucleotide} \alias{ncbiNucleotide} \title{ NCBI Nucleotide database } \description{ Search Entrez Nucleotide at NCBI and retrieve summary tables } \usage{ ncbiNucleotide(term) } \arguments{ \item{term}{ Any valid combination of Entrez search terms or a vector of accessions numbers } } \details{ Returns a summary from Entrez Nucleotide. } \value{ A genomes data frame with acc, name, released, taxid, size, gi and other fields } \references{ A description of the Entrez programming utilities is at \url{http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/}. } \author{ Chris Stubben } %\note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{ncbiGenome}} } \examples{ ncbiNucleotide("AL117189,AL109969,AL117211")[,1:6] # Exclude Patents and Refseq marb <- ncbiNucleotide( "Marburgvirus[ORGN] NOT gbdiv_pat[PROP] NOT srcdb_refseq[PROP]") marb # two peaks in size distribution (partial and complete sequences) hist(marb$size, col="blue", br=30, main="Marburg virus sequences", xlab="Length (bp)") } \keyword{ methods}