\name{ncbiGenome} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{ncbiGenome} \title{ NCBI Genome links to the Nucleotide database} \description{ Search Entrez Genome at NCBI and retrieves linked genomes in the Nucleotide database } \usage{ ncbiGenome(term, refseq=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{term}{ Any valid combination of Entrez search terms } \item{refseq}{ Include RefSeq genomes, default is GenBank submissions } } \details{ Searches Entrez Genome and finds linked sequences in Entrez Nucleotide using genome_nuccore (Assembly) and then finds related sequences using nuccore_nuccore_samespecies_rsgb (Other INSDC Genome Sequences). The genome_nuccore link includes the Reference and Genbank acc that Reference was derived from (and refseq option is used to exclude duplicate RefSeq from results). } \value{ A genomes data frame with acc, name, created, taxid, size, gi and other fields. } \references{ A description of the Entrez programming utilities is at \url{http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/}. } \author{ Chris Stubben } % \note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ ncbiGenome('Nipah virus[orgn]') ncbiGenome('Nipah virus[orgn]', refseq=TRUE) } \keyword{ methods }