\name{enaTaxonomy} \alias{enaTaxonomy} \title{ ENA taxonomy statistics } \description{ The number of linked records and total size in the taxonomy portal view at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) } \usage{ enaTaxonomy(tax, h = TRUE, round = 0) } \arguments{ \item{tax}{ a taxonomy ID or name } \item{h}{ return bases in human-readable format } \item{round}{ number of digits to round bases} } % \details{ } \value{ a data.frame listing direct and subtree records in eight data classes: Assembled Nucleotide Sequences (release), Annotated Nucleotide Sequence update (std_update), Whole Genome Shotgun Sequence update (wgs_update), Genomic Contig Sequence update (con_update), Protein-coding Sequences (cds), Trace Archive (trace), SRA samples (sra_sample) and Projects (project). } \references{ see \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/about/browser#taxonomy_portal_options} for details } \author{ Chris Stubben } \note{ The ENA urls require a taxonomy ID and therefore searching by a taxonomy name will be slower since a separate query to the NCBI taxonomy database is needed. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ncbiTaxonomy}} } \examples{ # COMPARE to http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/display=html&Taxon:2 enaTaxonomy("Bacteria") # common names enaTaxonomy("human") # root enaTaxonomy(1) } \keyword{ methods }