\name{elink} \alias{elink} \title{ Entrez database links } \description{ Find links between Entrez databases at NCBI } \usage{ elink(id, cmd = "neighbor_history", parse = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{id}{ An EntrezHistory object or vector of Ids } \item{cmd}{ Command mode } \item{parse}{ Parse results into an EntrezHistory object (default) or vector of linked Ids (if cmd="neighbor"). All other cmd options return XML } \item{\dots}{ Other key-value pairs such as dbfrom, db, linkname passed to the elink url string } } \details{ See \code{\link{einfo}} to find available links } \value{ Same as \code{\link{esearch}} } \references{\url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25499} } \author{ Chris Stubben} \note{If EntrezHistory results are the input, then the database listed in that object is used as the \code{dbfrom} key. } % \seealso{} \examples{ elink("15718680,157427902", dbfrom="protein", db="gene") elink("15718680,157427902", dbfrom="protein", db="gene", cmd="neighbor") # list linknames einfo("genome", TRUE)[, 1:2] x <- esearch("Nipah virus", "genome") # dbfrom is set to "genome" and default link is "genome_nuccore" y <- elink(x, db="nuccore") y # Links to reference AND genbank sequence the reference was derived from esummary(y) # OR link to Other genomes for Species esummary( elink(x, db="nuccore", linkname="genome_nuccore_samespecies")) } \keyword{ methods }