\name{bg.parameters.ns} \alias{bg.parameters.ns} \alias{left.sigma} \alias{PAV} \alias{average.for.PAV} \title{Estimation of non-specific Binding Background Parameters} \description{ An internal function to be used by \code{\link{gcrma}} } \usage{ bg.parameters.ns(x,affinities,affinities2=NULL,affinities3=NULL,span=.2) } \arguments{ \item{x}{PM or MM intensities after optical background correction, before non-specific-binding correction.} \item{affinities}{Probe affinities for probes with known sequences.Used to estimate the function between non-specific binding and affinities.} \item{affinities2}{ Probe affinities for the probes whoes expected non-specific binding intensity is to be predicted. } \item{affinities3}{ Probe affinities for another extra group of probes whoes expected non-specific binding intensity is to be predicted. } \item{span}{The span parameter passed to loess function} } %\details{} \value{a vector of same length as x.} \seealso{\code{\link{gcrma}}} \author{Rafeal Irizarry, Zhijin (Jean) Wu} \keyword{manip}