\name{simnewsamples} \alias{simnewsamples} \alias{simnewsamples.gagafit} \alias{simnewsamples.nnfit} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Posterior predictive simulation } \description{ Posterior and posterior predictive simulation for GaGa/MiGaGa and Normal-Normal models. } \usage{ simnewsamples(fit, groupsnew, sel, x, groups) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{fit}{Either GaGa or MiGaGa fit (object of type \code{gagafit}, as returned by \code{fitGG}) or Normal-Normal fit (type \code{nnfit} returned by \code{fitNN}). } \item{groupsnew}{ Vector indicating the group that each new sample should belong to. \code{length(groupsnew)} is the number of new samples that will be generated. } \item{sel}{Numeric vector with the indexes of the genes we want to draw new samples for (defaults to all genes). If a logical vector is indicated, it is converted to \code{(1:nrow(x))[sel]}. For the Normal-Normal model this argument is ignored.} \item{x}{\code{ExpressionSet}, \code{exprSet}, data frame or matrix containing the gene expression measurements used to fit the model.} \item{groups}{If \code{x} is of type \code{ExpressionSet} or \code{exprSet}, \code{groups} should be the name of the column in \code{pData(x)} with the groups that one wishes to compare. If \code{x} is a matrix or a data frame, \code{groups} should be a vector indicating to which group each column in x corresponds to.} } \details{ For GaGa/MiGaGa models, the shape parameters are actually drawn from a gamma approximation to their posterior distribution. The function \code{rcgamma} implements this approximation. In order to be consistent with the LNNGV model implemented in emfit (package EBarrays), for the Normal-Normal model the variance is drawn from an inverse gamma approximation to its marginal posterior (obtained by plugging in the group means, see EBarrays vignette for details). } \value{ Object of class 'ExpressionSet'. Expression values can be accessed via \code{exprs(object)} and the parameter values used to generate the expression values can be accessed via \code{fData(object)}. } \references{ Rossell D. (2009) GaGa: a Parsimonious and Flexible Model for Differential Expression Analysis. Annals of Applied Statistics, 3, 1035-1051. Yuan, M. and Kendziorski, C. (2006). A unified approach for simultaneous gene clustering and differential expression identification. Biometrics 62(4): 1089-1098. } \author{ David Rossell } \seealso{ \code{\link{checkfit}} for posterior predictive plot, \code{\link{simGG}} for prior predictive simulation. } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ distribution } \keyword{ models }