\name{qaReport} \alias{qaReport} \title{ Create HTML report using one or several QA process function(s) } \description{ This function combines all graphical output of multiple QA process functions for one \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}} in a single hyperlinked HTML document. } \usage{ qaReport(set, qaFunctions, outdir = "./qaReport", argLists, grouping = NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{set}{ A \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}} } \item{qaFunctions}{ A character vector of the names of QA process functions to be used } \item{outdir}{ The directory to which the HTML report is to be saved. } \item{argLists}{ lists of argument lists for each of the QA process functions specified via \code{qaFunctions} } \item{grouping}{ A character scalar indicating a variable in the \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}}'s \code{phenoData} that is used as a grouping factor in the output. } \item{\dots}{Further arguments that are passed on to \code{\link[flowQ]{writeQAReport}}.} } \details{ This is a simple convenience function to produce HTML QA reports for a single \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}} given a list of QA process functions. For more fine-grained control use function \code{\link[flowQ]{writeQAReport}} directly. An entry point to the output of this function can be found at \code{outdir/index.html}. } \value{ The function is called for it's side effects } \author{ Florian Hahne } \seealso{ \code{\link[flowQ]{qaProcess.marginevents}}, \code{\link[flowQ]{writeQAReport}}, \code{\link[flowQ:qaProcess-class]{qaProcess}}, \code{\link[flowQ]{qaProcess.timeline}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ data(GvHD) GvHD <- transform(GvHD, "FL1-H"=asinh(`FL1-H`), "FL2-H"=asinh(`FL2-H`)) dest <- tempdir() qaReport(GvHD, c("qaProcess.timeline", "qaProcess.marginevents"), dest, list(list(channel="FL1-H", cutoff=1), list(channels=c("FL1-H", "FL2-H"), cFactor=4))) browseURL(file.path(dest, "index.html")) } } \keyword{ IO } \keyword{ dynamic }