\name{flowQ-package} \alias{flowQ-package} \alias{flowQ} \docType{package} \title{ Quality control for flow cytometry } \description{ Functions and methods for quality control and QA of flow cytometry data. This package heavily depends on the flowCore package. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab flowQ \cr Type: \tab Package \cr Version: \tab 0.2.1 \cr Date: \tab 2006-11-16 \cr License: \tab Artistic\cr } Quality control is an important aspect when dealing with large amounts of complex high-throughput data. This package comprises functionality for efficient QA of flow cytometry data. } \author{ Maintainer: Florian Hahne Authors: R. Gentleman, F. Hahne, J. Kettman, N. Le Meur, M. Tang } \references{ references go here } \keyword{ package } \seealso{ \code{\link[flowCore:flowCore-package]{flowCore}} } \examples{ ## examples go here }