\name{evaluateProcess} \alias{evaluateProcess} \title{ Evaluate QA processes } \description{ Re-evaluate an object of class \code{\link{qaProcess}}, e.g. for the case that a threshold value has changed. } \usage{ evaluateProcess(process, thresh, ...) } % \arguments{ \item{process}{ An object of class \code{\link{qaProcess}}. } \item{thresh}{ The new treshold on which the process is to be evaluated. } \item{\dots}{ Further arguments that are passed on to the individual functions for each QA process type.} } \details{ It is sometimes useful to update the state of aggregators in a \code{\link{qaProcess}} , for instances after changing the threshold value, without having to recompute all images, which can be very time consuming. } \value{ An updated object of class \code{\link[flowQ:qaProcess-class]{qaProcess}} } \author{ Florian Hahne } \note{ This function needs to be extended for new types of \code{\link[flowQ:qaProcess-class]{qaProcess}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link[flowQ:qaProcess-class]{qaProcess}}, \code{\link[flowQ]{writeQAReport}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ data(GvHD) dest <- tempdir() qp1 <- qaProcess.timeline(GvHD[1:3], channel="FL1-H", outdir=dest, cutoff=1) evaluateProcess(qp1, thresh=4) } } \keyword{ dynamic }