\name{sortedIqrPlot} \alias{sortedIqrPlot} \alias{sortedIqrPlot,matrix-method} \alias{sortedIqrPlot,AffyBatch-method} \alias{sortedIqrPlot,LumiBatch-method} \title{ Minimal box plot of samples, which get ordered optionally by batch, then by IQR. } \description{ This plots only the 25th to 75th percentile of expression intensities (Interquartile Range), sorted from smallest to largest IQR. This modification is more readable than a regular boxplot for large sample sizes. An optional batch variable may be specified, so that the sorting is done within each batch. } \usage{ sortedIqrPlot(data.obj, batchvar = rep(1, ncol(data.obj)), dolog2=FALSE, ...) \S4method{sortedIqrPlot}{LumiBatch}(data.obj, batchvar = rep(1, ncol(data.obj)), dolog2=FALSE, ...) \S4method{sortedIqrPlot}{AffyBatch}(data.obj, batchvar = rep(1, ncol(data.obj)), dolog2=FALSE, ...) \S4method{sortedIqrPlot}{matrix}(data.obj, batchvar = rep(1, ncol(data.obj)), dolog2=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{data.obj}{ An object of class LumiBatch, AffyBatch, AffyBatch, or matrix. This should contain raw, unnormalized, expression intensities. } \item{batchvar}{ Optional integer batch variable. If specified, samples will be sorted within batches only. Default is to assume a single batch for all data. } \item{dolog2}{ If TRUE, data will be log2-transformed before plotting. Default is FALSE. } \item{\dots}{ Optional arguments passed on to the plot() function. } } \details{ Function will be generally called for the side-effect of producing a plot of sorted IQRs, but if the output is redirected it also produces the IQRs. } \value{ If the output is redirected, e.g.: output <- sortedIqrPlot() the function will return the IQR of each sample. } \references{ Under review. } \author{ Levi Waldron } \seealso{ sampleQC } \examples{ library(ffpeExampleData) data(lumibatch.GSE17565) sortedIqrPlot(lumibatch.GSE17565,main="GSE17565") } \keyword{hplot}