\name{plotCompiledCNV} \alias{plotCompiledCNV} \title{ Plot compiled CNV segments for one sequence/chromosome } \description{ This function takes a RangedData object as produced by \code{\link{compileCopyCountSegments}} and plots the CNV segments for one sequence/chromosomes across the samples with CNV segments. The segments in the normal state should be removed as shown below in the example to produce a cleaned RangedData object. See the vignette for a more complete example. } \usage{ plotCompiledCNV(CNV.segments, seq.name, xlim=NULL, col=NULL, copy.counts=0:6, normal.state = 2) } \arguments{ \item{CNV.segments}{ A RangedData object as produced by \code{\link{compileCopyCountSegments}} and with normal state removed. } \item{seq.name}{ The name of the sequence to plot } \item{xlim}{ The genomic coordinates for the x axis. If not included, the plotting window will cover the range of the CNVs in \code{CNV.segments} } \item{col}{ The colors to use for the different copy count states } \item{copy.counts}{ The corresponding copy counts for the colors } \item{normal.state}{ The copy count of the normal state } } \value{ Produces a plot. } \examples{ example(compileCopyCountSegments) CNV.clean <- CNV.segments[CNV.segments$copy.count != 2,] chr.start <- start(range(fit@ranges)[["chr1"]]) chr.end <- end(range(fit@ranges)[["chr1"]]) plotCompiledCNV(CNV.clean, "chr1", xlim=c(chr.start,chr.end)) }