\name{plot.ExomeCopy} \alias{plot.ExomeCopy} \title{ Plot function for exomeCopy } \description{ Plots the predicted copy count segments of an ExomeCopy object } \usage{ \method{plot}{ExomeCopy}(x, points = TRUE, cols = NULL, show.legend = TRUE, main = "exomeCopy predicted segments", xlab = "genomic position", ylab = "normalized read count", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, cex = 1, lwd = 4, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ The ExomeCopy object. } \item{points}{ Logical, whether normalized read counts should be drawn. } \item{cols}{ A vector of the same length as b, specifying a color for each of the states of the HMM. } \item{show.legend}{ Logical, whether a default legend should be shown. } \item{main}{ main title } \item{xlab}{ x axis label } \item{ylab}{ y axis label } \item{xlim}{ x limits } \item{ylim}{ y limits } \item{cex}{ size of the points (if plotted) } \item{lwd}{ line width } \item{...}{ Other arguments passed to plot() } } \seealso{ \code{\link{exomeCopy}} \code{\link{ExomeCopy-class}} \code{\link{copyCountSegments}} } \examples{ example(exomeCopy) plot(fit) }