\name{generateBackground} \alias{generateBackground} \title{ Generate median background read depth } \description{ Normalizes a set of columns representing read counts from different samples by their mean. Then calculates a statistic across the rows of normalized counts. } \usage{ generateBackground(sample.names, rdata, fn=median) } \arguments{ \item{sample.names}{ A vector of column names in rdata to be used as background samples } \item{rdata}{ A RangedData object containing the read counts } \item{fn}{ The statistic to be applied across the rows of normalized counts. Defaults to median, but the standard deviation can also be calculated in this way. } } \value{ The value of fn applied across the rows of normalized read counts. } \examples{ data(exomecounts) sample.names <- grep("HG.+",colnames(exomecounts),value=TRUE) exomecounts[["bg"]] <- generateBackground(sample.names, exomecounts, median) exomecounts[["bg.sd"]] <- generateBackground(sample.names, exomecounts, sd) }