\name{compileCopyCountSegments} \alias{compileCopyCountSegments} \title{ Compile segments across samples } \description{ A short function which extracts the segments of constant copy count using the \code{\link{copyCountSegments}} function on a named list of named lists containing fitted ExomeCopy objects. See vignette for a full example of multiple samples and chromosomes. } \usage{ compileCopyCountSegments(fit.list) } \arguments{ \item{fit.list}{ A named list of named lists. The outer list indexes patients, while the inner list indexes sequences/chromosomes. } } \value{ A RangedData object of all segments across samples and chromosomes. } \examples{ example(exomeCopy) # this function requires a named list of named lists # as constructed in the vignette fit.list <- list(sample1 = list(chr1 = fit)) CNV.segments <- compileCopyCountSegments(fit.list) }