\name{wstringapply} \alias{wstringapply} \title{ Apply a function on a window sliding on a string } \description{ Apply a function on a window sliding on a string. } \usage{ wstringapply(x, SIZE, SLIDE, FUN, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ The string } \item{SIZE}{ The size of the window (number of characters). } \item{SLIDE}{ offset to move at each slide} \item{FUN}{ The function to be applied } \item{\dots}{ optional parameter for the function \code{FUN} } } \details{ Apply the function \code{FUN} to substrings of \code{x} of length \code{SIZE}. } \value{ A list of size \code{nchar(x) - SIZE}. } \author{ L, Gautier } \examples{ } \keyword{ manip }