\name{pointsCircle} \alias{linesCircle} \alias{polygonDisk} \alias{arrowsArc} \alias{pointsArc} \alias{linesArc} \alias{polygonArc} \title{ Functions to plot circular related figures } \description{ Functions to plot circular related figures } \usage{ linesCircle(radius, center.x = 0, center.y = 0, edges = 300, ...) polygonDisk(radius, center.x = 0, center.y = 0, edges=300, ...) arrowsArc(theta0, theta1, radius, center.x = 0, center.y = 0, edges = 10, length = 0.25, angle = 30, code = 2, ...) pointsArc(theta0, theta1, radius, center.x = 0, center.y = 0, ...) linesArc(theta0, theta1, radius, center.x = 0, center.y = 0, ...) polygonArc(theta0, theta1, radius.in, radius.out, center.x = 0, center.y = 0, edges = 10, col = "black", border = NA, ...) } \arguments{ \item{theta0, theta1}{ start and end angles for the arc} \item{radius}{ radius of the circle } \item{radius.in}{ inner radius } \item{radius.out}{ outer radius } \item{center.x, center.y}{Coordinates for the center of the circle (default to (0, 0))} \item{edges}{ number of edges the shape is made of } \item{col}{color} \item{border}{border (see \code{\link[graphics]{polygon}})} \item{length, angle, code}{see the corresponding parameters for the function \code{\link{arrows}}} \item{\dots}{ optional graphical paramaters} } \details{ Details to come\ldots for now the best to run the examples and experiment by yourself\ldots %% The functions \code{linesArc}, \code{pointsArc}, \code{arrowsArc} } \value{ Function only used for their border effects. } \author{ laurent } \examples{ par(mfrow=c(2,2)) n <- 10 thetas <- rev(seq(0, 2 * pi, length=n)) rhos <- rev(seq(1, n) / n) xy <- polar2xy(rhos, thetas) colo <- heat.colors(n) plot(0, 0, xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(-2, 2), type="n") for (i in 1:n) linesCircle(rhos[i]/2, xy$x[i], xy$y[i]) plot(0, 0, xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(-2, 2), type="n") for (i in 1:n) polygonDisk(rhos[i]/2, xy$x[i], xy$y[i], col=colo[i]) plot(0, 0, xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(-2, 2), type="n", xlab="", ylab="") for (i in 1:n) polygonArc(0, thetas[i], rhos[i]/2, rhos[i], center.x = xy$x[i], center.y = xy$y[i], col=colo[i]) plot(0, 0, xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(-2, 2), type="n", xlab="", ylab="") for (i in (1:n)[-1]) { linesCircle(rhos[i-1], col="gray", lty=2) polygonArc(thetas[i-1], thetas[i], rhos[i-1], rhos[i], col=colo[i], edges=20) arrowsArc(thetas[i-1], thetas[i], rhos[i] + 1, col=colo[i], edges=20) } } \keyword{ aplot }