\name{ecoli.m52.genome} \alias{ecoli.m52.genome} \alias{ecoligenomeCHRLOC} \alias{ecoligenomeSYMBOL2AFFY} \alias{ecoligenomeSYMBOL} \alias{ecoligenomeSTRAND} \alias{ecoli.operon} \alias{ecoli.len} %\docType{data} \title{ Escherichia coli data} \description{ Meta-data related to Escherichia coli } \usage{ data(ecoli.m52.genome) data(ecoligenomeCHRLOC) data(ecoligenomeSYMBOL2AFFY) data(ecoligenomeSYMBOL) data(ecoligenomeSTRAND) data(ecoligenome.operon) ecoli.len } \format{ The format for \code{ecoli.m52.genome} is \code{character} with genome sequence. The format for \code{ecoligenomeCHRLOC} is an environment (as a hash table). Each key is an Affyemtrix probe set ID, and each value is vector of two integers (begining and end - see the details below) The format for \code{ecoligenomeSYMBOL2AFFFY} is an environment (as a hash table). Each key is a gene symbol name. The format for \code{ecoligenomeSYMBOL} is an environment (as a hash table). Each key is an Affymetrix probe set id \code{ecoli.len} is a variable containing the size of the genome in \code{ecoli.m52.genome}. } \details{ The environments \code{ecoligenomeSYMBOL2AFFFY} and \code{ecoligenomeSYMBOL} are like the ones in the data packages built by \code{annBuilder}. The environment \code{ecoligenomeCHRLOC} differs: two integers are associated with each key, one corresponds to the begining of the segment the other to the end. The environment ecoligenomeSTRAND returns a \code{logical}. \code{TRUE} means that the orientation is `+', \code{FALSE} means that the orientation is '-' (and \code{NA} is used when irrelevant for the key). } \source{ \url{http://www.genome.wisc.edu/sequencing/k12.htm} and \url{http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/complab/dchip/info_file.htm} } \examples{ data(ecoli.m52.genome) } \keyword{datasets}