\name{summarizeFarmsExact} \alias{summarizeFarmsExact} \title{Summarization Laplacian approach with exact computation} \usage{ summarizeFarmsExact(probes, mu = 1, weight = 0.001, weightSignal = 1, weightZ = 1, weightProbes = TRUE, cyc = c(10, 10), tol = 1e-05, weightType = "mean", centering = "median", rescale = FALSE, backscaleComputation = FALSE, maxIntensity = TRUE, refIdx, ...) } \arguments{ \item{probes}{A matrix with numeric values.} \item{mu}{Hyperparameter value which allows to quantify different aspects of potential prior knowledge. Values near zero assumes that most positions do not contain a signal, and introduces a bias for loading matrix elements near zero. Default value is 0 and it's recommended not to change it.} \item{weight}{Hyperparameter value which determines the influence of the Gaussian prior of the loadings} \item{weightSignal}{Hyperparameter value on the signal.} \item{weightZ}{Hyperparameter value which determines how strong the Laplace prior of the factor should be at 0. Users should be aware, that a change of weightZ in comparison to the default parameter might also entail a need to change other parameters. Unexperienced users should not change weightZ.} \item{weightProbes}{Parameter (TRUE/FALSE), that determines, if the number of probes should additionally be considered in weight. If TRUE, weight will be modified.} \item{cyc}{Number of cycles. If the length is two, it is assumed, that a minimum and a maximum number of cycles is given. If the length is one, the value is interpreted as the exact number of cycles to be executed (minimum == maximum).} \item{tol}{States the termination tolerance if cyc[1]!=cyc[2]. Default is 0.00001.} \item{weightType}{Flag, that is used to summarize the probes of a sample.} \item{centering}{States how the data should be centered ("mean", "median"). Default is median.} \item{rescale}{Parameter (TRUE/FALSE), that determines, if moments in exact Laplace FARMS are rescaled in each iteration. Default is FALSE.} \item{backscaleComputation}{Parameter (TRUE/FALSE), that determines if the moments of hidden variables should be reestimated after rescaling the parameters.} \item{maxIntensity}{Parameter (TRUE/FALSE), that determines if the expectation value (=FALSE) or the maximum value (=TRUE) of p(z|x_i) should be used for an estimation of the hidden varaible.} \item{refIdx}{index or indices which are used for computation of the centering} \item{...}{Further parameters for expert users.} } \value{ A list including: the found parameters: lambda0, lambda1, Psi the estimated factors: z (expectation), maxZ (maximum) p: log-likelihood of the data given the found lambda0, lambda1, Psi (not the posterior likelihood that is optimized) varzx: variances of the hidden variables given the data KL: Kullback Leibler divergences between between posterior and prior distribution of the hidden variables IC: Information Content considering the hidden variables and data ICtransform: transformed Information Content Case: Case for computation of a sample point (non-exception, special exception) L1median: Median of the lambda vector components intensity: back-computed summarized probeset values with mean correction L_z: back-computed summarized probeset values without mean correction rawCN: transformed values of L_z SNR: some additional signal to noise ratio value } \description{ This function implements an exact Laplace FARMS algorithm. } \examples{ x <- matrix(rnorm(100, 11), 20, 5) summarizeFarmsExact(x) } \author{ Andreas Mayr \email{mayr@bioinf.jku.at} and Djork-Arne Clevert \email{okko@clevert.de} and Andreas Mitterecker \email{mitterecker@bioinf.jku.at} }