\name{normalizeSor} \alias{normalizeSor} \title{Runs the SOR normalization on microarray data} \usage{ normalizeSor(filenames, cores = 1, annotDir = NULL, alleles = FALSE, runtype = "ff", cyc = 5, pkgname = NULL, saveFile = "Sor") } \arguments{ \item{filenames}{an absolute path of the CEL files} \item{cores}{cores} \item{annotDir}{annotDir} \item{alleles}{alleles} \item{cyc}{states the number of cycles for the EM algorithm.} \item{runtype}{Mode how the results are saved. Possible values are ff or bm. If ff is chosen the data will not be saved automatically. With bm the results will be saved permanently.} \item{pkgname}{Optional parameter for the CEL mapping.} \item{saveFile}{Name of the file to save.} } \value{ An instance of \code{\link[Biobase:ExpressionSet-class]{ExpressionSet}} } \description{ Runs the SOR normalization on microarray data } \author{ Djork-Arne Clevert \email{okko@clevert.de} and Andreas Mitterecker \email{mitterecker@bioinf.jku.at} }