\name{writeFit} \alias{writeFit} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Function to output annotated fit data from limma} \description{ This function is designed to take an \code{ExpressionSet} an annotation package and an \code{lmFit} object, and output an annotated text file containing t-statistics, p-values, and fold change data for all contrasts.} \usage{ writeFit(fit, annotation, eset) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{fit}{A \code{lmFit} object, created by the limma package.} \item{annotation}{An annotation package, specific for the chip used in the analysis.} \item{eset}{An \code{ExpressionSet} object containing expression values.} } \details{ This function is designed to output annotation data as well as statistics (p-values, fold change, t-statistics) for all probes on a chip. } \value{ A \code{data.frame} is returned. } \author{James W. MacDonald } \seealso{\code{\link[limma:write.fit]{write.fit}} } \keyword{manip}