\name{makeFCList} \alias{makeFCList} \title{Make a Fold Change List} \description{ This function is used to create a \code{list} containing named lists of fold change values suitable to be passed to \code{probes2table}, and ultimately \code{\link[annaffy]{aafTableAnn}} in the annaffy package. This is an internal function and is not intended to be called by end users. } \usage{ makeFCList(x, indices, comps, dat) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An indicator matrix showing up or down regulation based on fold change, usually from a call to \code{foldFilt}. See details for more information.} \item{indices}{A \code{list} created by a call to \code{makeIndices}.} \item{comps}{A list containing all the comparisons to be made. Each list item should be a vector of length two. This should be identical to the 'comps' argument used in the call to \code{foldFilt}} \item{dat}{A \code{matrix} containing the expression values, usually extracted using the \code{exprs} accessor.} } \details{ The purpose of this function is to create a list of named lists that will be suitable to be passed to \code{probes2table}, which will result in a column of fold change values with a reasonable name when output as an HTML or text table using annaffy. } \author{James W. MacDonald } \keyword{internal}