\name{getans2} \alias{getans2} \alias{getfldfil} \alias{getpfil} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Interactive Functions for limma2anaffy } \description{ These are internal functions used to filter the number of genes for \code{limma2annaffy} as well as to automagically get required annotation packages for \code{annaffy}. } \usage{ getans2(msg, allowed = c("a", "c")) getfldfil() getpfil() } \arguments{ \item{msg}{A character string to pass to the end user.} \item{allowed}{A character vector of acceptable responses.} } \details{ These functions were added primarily for the error checking they afford. Now the end user can filter the number of genes based on p-value and fold change, and incorrect values entered will not result in unexpected behaviour. } \author{James W. MacDonald } \keyword{ internal }