\name{normalize.quantiles.robust} \alias{normalize.AffyBatch.quantiles.robust} \title{Robust Quantile Normalization} \description{Using a normalization based upon quantiles, this function normalizes a matrix of probe level intensities. Allows weighting of chips} \usage{ normalize.AffyBatch.quantiles.robust(abatch, type = c("separate","pmonly","mmonly","together"), weights = NULL, remove.extreme = c("variance","mean","both","none"), n.remove = 1, use.median = FALSE, use.log2 = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{abatch}{an \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} object.} \item{type}{a string specifying how the normalization should be applied. See details for more.} \item{weights}{a vector of weights, one for each chip.} \item{remove.extreme}{if weights is NULL, then this will be used for determining which chips to remove from the calculation of the normalization distribution. See details for more info.} \item{n.remove}{number of chips to remove.} \item{use.median}{if TRUE, the use the median to compute normalization chip; otherwise uses a weighted mean.} \item{use.log2}{work on log2 scale. This means we will be using the geometric mean rather than ordinary mean.} } \details{This method is based upon the concept of a quantile-quantile plot extended to n dimensions. Note that the matrix is of intensities not log intensities. The function performs better with raw intensities. Choosing \bold{variance} will remove chips with variances much higher or lower than the other chips, \bold{mean} removes chips with the mean most different from all the other means, \bold{both} removes first extreme variance and then an extreme mean. The option \bold{none} does not remove any chips, but will assign equal weights to all chips. The type argument should be one of \code{"separate","pmonly","mmonly","together"} which indicates whether to normalize only one probe type (PM,MM) or both together or separately. } \note{This function is still experimental.} \value{a matrix of normalized intensities} \author{Ben Bolstad, \email{bmb@bmbolstad.com}} \seealso{\code{\link{normalize}}, \code{\link[preprocessCore:normalize.quantiles]{normalize.quantiles}}} \keyword{manip}