\name{summarize.clones} \alias{summarize.clones} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Extracting summary information for all clones} \description{ \code{summarize.clones} function is the text equivalent of \code{\link{plotFreqStat}} function - it summarizes the frequencies of changes for each clone accross tumors and when available assigns statistics. The resulting table can be easily exported. } \usage{ summarize.clones(aCGH.obj, resT = NULL, pheno = rep(1, ncol(aCGH.obj)), rsp.uniq = unique(pheno), thres = 0.25, factor = 2.5, all = length(rsp.uniq) == 1 && is.null(resT), titles = if (all) "all" else rsp.uniq) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{aCGH.obj}{\code{aCGH.obj} object here} \item{resT}{Data frame having the same structure as the result of applying \code{\link{mt.maxT}} or \code{\link{mt.minP}} functions from Bioconductor's \code{multtest} package for multiple testing. The result is a data frame including the following 4 components: 'index', 'teststat', 'rawp' and 'adjp'.Default is the unique levels of the phenotype. Not used when \code{all} is TRUE.} \item{pheno}{phenotype to compare} \item{rsp.uniq}{\code{rsp.uniq} specified the codes for the groups of interest. Default is the unique levels of the phenotype. Not used when \code{all} is TRUE.} \item{thres}{\code{thres} is either a vector providing unique threshold for each sample or a vector of the same length as number of samples (columns in \code{data}) providing sample-specific threshold. If \code{aCGH.obj} has non-null \code{sd.samples}, then threshold is automatically replaced by tumor-specific sd multiplied by \code{factor}. Clone is considered to be gained if it is above the threshold and lost if it below negative threshold. Defaults to 0.25} \item{factor}{\code{factor} specifies the number by which experimental variability should be multiples. used only when tumor specific variability in \code{aCGH.obj} is not NULL. Defaults to 2.5} \item{all}{\code{all} specifies whether samples should be analyzed by subgroups (TRUE) or together (FALSE)} \item{titles}{\code{titles} names of the groups to be used. Default is the unique levels of the \code{pheno}.} } %\details{ % ~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~ %} \value{ Returns matrix containg the following information for each clones: annotation (same as in \code{clones.info}), number and proportion of samples where clone is present,gained and lost; and the same in each group if more than one group. Additionally, if significance comparison has been done, value of the statistic, unadjusted p-value and adjusted p-values are included for each clone. } %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Jane Fridlyand} %\note{ ~~further notes~~ } % ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{\code{\link{plotFreqStat}}, \code{\link{aCGH}}} \examples{ data(colorectal) summarize.clones(colorectal) } \keyword{models}