\name{SIFTDbColumns} \alias{SIFTDbColumns} \title{SIFTDb Columns} \description{ Description of the SIFT Sqlite Database Columns } \section{Column descriptions}{ These column names are displayed when \code{cols} is called on a \code{SIFTDb} object. \itemize{ \item RSID : rsid \item PROTEINID : NCBI RefSeq protein ID \item AACHANGE : amino acid substitution; reference aa is preceeding, followed by the position and finally the snp aa \item METHOD : method of obtaining related sequences using PSI-BLAST \item AA : either the reference or snp residue amino acid \item PREDICTION : SIFT prediction \item SCORE : SIFT score (range 0 to 1) \itemize{ \item TOLERATED : score is greater than 0.05 \item DAMAGING : score is less than or equal to 0.05 \item NOT SCORED : no prediction is made if there are less than 2 homologous sequences that have an amino acid at the position of the given SNP or if the SIFT prediction is not available } \item MEDIAN : diversity measurement of the sequences used for prediction (range 0 to 4.32) \item POSITIONSEQS : number of sequences with an amino acide at the position of prediction \item TOTALSEQS : total number of sequences in alignment } } \seealso{ \code{?SIFTDb} } \author{Valerie Obenchain } \keyword{classes} \keyword{methods}