\name{PolyPhenDb-class} \docType{class} \alias{PolyPhen} \alias{PolyPhenDb} \alias{class:PolyPhenDb} \alias{PolyPhenDb-class} \alias{duplicateRSID} \alias{metadata,PolyPhenDb-method} \alias{cols,PolyPhenDb-method} \alias{keys,PolyPhenDb-method} \alias{select,PolyPhenDb-method} \title{PolyPhenDb objects} \description{ The PolyPhenDb class is a container for storing a connection to a PolyPhen sqlite database. } \section{Methods}{ In the code below, \code{x} is a \code{PolyPhenDb} object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{metadata(x)}: Returns \code{x}'s metadata in a data frame. } \item{}{ \code{cols(x)}: Returns the names of the \code{cols} that can be used to subset the data columns. For column descriptions see \code{?PolyPhenDbColumns}. } \item{}{ \code{keys(x)}: Returns the names of the \code{keys} that can be used to subset the data rows. The \code{keys} values are the rsid's. } \item{}{ \code{select(x, keys = NULL, cols = NULL, ...)}: Returns a subset of data defined by the character vectors \code{keys} and \code{cols}. If no \code{keys} are supplied, all rows are returned. If no \code{cols} are supplied, all columns are returned. See \code{?PolyPhenDbColumns} for column descriptions. } \item{}{ \code{duplicateRSID(x)}: Returns a named list of duplicate rsid groups. The names are the \code{keys}, the list elements are the rsid's that have been reported as having identical chromosome position and alleles and therefore translating into the same amino acid residue substitution. } } } \details{ PolyPhen (Polymorphism Phenotyping) is a tool which predicts the possible impact of an amino acid substitution on the structure and function of a human protein by applying empirical rules to the sequence, phylogenetic and structural information characterizing the substitution. PolyPhen makes its predictions using UniProt features, PSIC profiles scores derived from multiple alignment and matches to PDP or PQS structural databases. The procedure can be roughly outlined in the following steps, see the references for complete details, \itemize{ \item sequence-based characterization of substitution site \item calculation of PSIC profile scores for two amino acid variants \item calculation of structural parameters and contacts \item prediction } PolyPhen uses empirically derived rules to predict that a non-synonymous SNP is \itemize{ \item probably damaging : it is with high confidence supposed to affect protein function or structure \item possibly damaging : it is supposed to affect protein function or structure \item benign : most likely lacking any phenotypic effect \item unknown : when in some rare cases, the lack of data do not allow PolyPhen to make a prediction } } \seealso{ \code{?PolyPhenDbColumns} } \references{ PolyPhen Home: \url{http://genetics.bwh.harvard.edu/pph2/dokuwiki/} Adzhubei IA, Schmidt S, Peshkin L, Ramensky VE, Gerasimova A, Bork P, Kondrashov AS, Sunyaev SR. Nat Methods 7(4):248-249 (2010). Ramensky V, Bork P, Sunyaev S. Human non-synonymous SNPs: server and survey. Nucleic Acids Res 30(17):3894-3900 (2002). Sunyaev SR, Eisenhaber F, Rodchenkov IV, Eisenhaber B, Tumanyan VG, Kuznetsov EN. PSIC: profile extraction from sequence alignments with position-specific counts of independent observations. Protein Eng 12(5):387-394 (1999). } \author{Valerie Obenchain } \examples{ library(PolyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131) ## metadata metadata(PolyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131) ## available rsid's head(keys(PolyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131)) ## column descriptions found at ?PolyPhenDbColumns cols(PolyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131) ## subset on keys and cols subst <- c("AA1", "AA2", "PREDICTION") rsids <- c("rs2142947", "rs4995127", "rs3026284") select(PolyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131, keys=rsids, cols=subst) ## retrieve substitution scores subst <- c("IDPMAX", "IDPSNP", "IDQMIN") select(PolyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131, keys=rsids, cols=subst) ## retrieve the PolyPhen-2 classifiers subst <- c("PPH2CLASS", "PPH2PROB", "PPH2FPR", "PPH2TPR", "PPH2FDR") select(PolyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131, keys=rsids, cols=subst) ## duplicate groups of rsid's duplicateRSID(PolyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131, c("rs71225486", "rs1063796")) } \keyword{classes} \keyword{methods}