\name{segmentizeCounts-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{segmentizeCounts} \alias{segmentizeCounts-TSSi} \alias{segmentizeCounts,integer,integer-method} \alias{segmentizeCounts-methods} \title{ Segmentize methods } \description{ Import sequence read count data and transform it into segments. } \usage{ segmentizeCounts(counts, start, end=start, chr=rep(1L, length(start)), region=rep(1L, length(start)), strand=rep("*", length(start)), replicate=rep(1L, length(start)), annotation=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{counts}{Integer vector with the number of reads for each position in \code{start}.} \item{start}{Integer vector with the start positions of the reads.} \item{end}{Optional integer vector with the end positions of the reads. If not supplied the values of \code{start} will be used.} \item{chr}{Optional vector with the chromosomal locations of the reads. If not supplied all reads will are assumed to be located on one chromosome.} \item{region}{Optional vector with an assignment of each read to a separate region, for example based on additional annotation. If not supplied all reads will be part of one region.} \item{strand}{Optional vector with the strand location of each read.} \item{replicate}{Optional integer vector identifying the replicate each read was obtained from, in the case of data from multiple measurements.} \item{annotation}{Optional object containing meta data passed along it the analysis. This argument does not influence the analysis.} \item{...}{Optional arguments.} \describe{ \item{pattern}{Regular expression specifying the naming of the segments. The terms \code{\%1$s}, \code{\%2$s}, and \code{\%3$s} refer to the chromosome, the strand, and the region, respectively. If not supplied the standard naming pattern \code{\%1$s_\%2$s_\%3$s} will be used.} } } \section{Methods}{ Import read data and transform it into segments: \describe{ \item{segmentizeCounts:}{ \code{signature(nReads="integer", start="integer")} } { \code{segmentizeCounts(counts, start, ...)} } } } \details{ The \code{segmentizeCounts} method takes the raw data and breaks it into segments which will be analyzed separately in the subsequent steps. Segments are defined in a way such that any has a unique combination of the input arguments \code{chr}, \code{region}, and \code{strand}. In case any of these is not supplied it is assumed that all reads belong to one chromosome, region, or strand, respectively. Usage of the \code{region} argument is beneficial if the location of potential TSS can be constrained below the level of chromosomes and strands. } \value{ An object of class \code{TssData}. } \author{ Maintainer: Julian Gehring } \seealso{ Classes: \code{\linkS4class{TssData}}, \code{\linkS4class{TssNorm}}, \code{\linkS4class{TssResult}} Methods: \code{\link[TSSi]{segmentizeCounts}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{normalizeCounts}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{identifyStartSites}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{get-methods}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{plot-methods}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{asRangedData-methods}} Functions: \code{\link[TSSi]{subtract-functions}} Data set: \code{\link[TSSi]{physcoCounts}} Package: \code{\link[TSSi]{TSSi-package}} } \examples{ ## load data set example(physcoCounts) ## import and segmentize data attach(physcoCounts) x <- segmentizeCounts(counts=counts, start=start, chr=chromosome, region=region, strand=strand) detach(physcoCounts) x } \keyword{methods} \keyword{IO}