\name{physcoCounts-data} \docType{data} \alias{physcoCounts} \alias{physcoCounts-TSSi} \alias{physcoCounts-data} \title{CAP capture data} \description{ Data of a 5'-CAP capture experiment, after mapping the reads to the genome. } \usage{data(physcoCounts)} \format{ \describe{ \item{physcoCounts}{Data frame with results from a 5'-CAP capture experiment, with the columns:} \describe{ \item{chromosome}{Chromosome the read is mapped to.} \item{region}{Predefined region based on annotations, which can be treated independently in the analysis.} \item{start}{Start position, given as bp, of the 5' end of the read.} \item{strand}{Forward and reverse strand, given as '+' and '-', respectively.} \item{counts}{Number of reads at the respective position.} } } } \details{ The transcription data from Physcomitrella patens was mapped using the bowtie software. Then, the positions of 5' ends of each read were extracted and the number of reads at each position counted. For further details, please see the publication. } \seealso{ Classes: \code{\linkS4class{TssData}}, \code{\linkS4class{TssNorm}}, \code{\linkS4class{TssResult}} Methods: \code{\link[TSSi]{segmentizeCounts}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{normalizeCounts}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{identifyStartSites}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{get-methods}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{plot-methods}}, \code{\link[TSSi]{asRangedData-methods}} Functions: \code{\link[TSSi]{subtract-functions}} Data set: \code{\link[TSSi]{physcoCounts}} Package: \code{\link[TSSi]{TSSi-package}} } \examples{ ## load data set data(physcoCounts) } \source{ Rensing et al., 2011. in preparation } \keyword{datasets}