\name{createMipsDataFrame} \alias{createMipsDataFrame} \title{A function that creates a data frame from the MIPS Data} \description{ This function takes two parameters: (1) a named vector that has a description of the MIPS protein complexes (this vector is one of the two outputs from \code{\link{getMipsInfo}} referenced by DESC); (2) the matrix representation of the bipartite graph. The output of the function is a dataframe with three columns: the names of the complexes in the matrix; the ID of the corresponding complex; the description of the corresponding complex. } \usage{ createMipsDataFrame(desc, mips) } \arguments{ \item{desc}{A named character vector (where the name is the MIPS ID for each protein complex obtained by \code{\link{getMipsInfo}}) whose entries describe the corrsponding protein complex.} \item{mips}{The matrix representation of the protein complex membership graph for the MIPS protein complexes} } \value{ The return value is a data frame with three coluumns: the names column records the names of the protein complexes as indexed in the incidence matrix; the ID column records the MIPS ID that corresponds to each protein complex; the Desc column describes each of the protein complexes. } \references{mips.gsf.de} \author{Tony Chiang} \examples{ } \keyword{datagen}