\name{selectHKgenes} \alias{selectHKgenes} \title{ Selection of reference/housekeeping genes } \description{ This function can be used to determine a set of reference/housekeeping (HK) genes for gene expression experiments. } \usage{ selectHKgenes(relData, method = "Vandesompele", minNrHK = 2, geneSymbol, trace = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{relData}{ matrix or data.frame containing relative expression values } \item{method}{ method to compute most stable genes } \item{minNrHK}{ minimum number of HK genes that should be considered } \item{geneSymbol}{ gene symbols } \item{trace}{ logical, print additional information } \item{na.rm}{ a logical value indicating whether \code{NA} values should be stripped before the computation proceeds. } } \details{ This function can be used to determine a set of reference/housekeeping (HK) genes for gene expression experiments. The default method \code{"Vandesompele"} was proposed by Vandesompele et al. (2002). Currently, only the method by Vandesompele et al. (2002) is implemented. Vandesompele et al. (2002) propose a cut-off value of 0.15 for the pairwise variation. Below this value the inclusion of an additional housekeeping gene is not required. } \value{ If \code{method = "Vandesompele"} a list with the following components is returnd \item{ranking }{ ranking of genes from best to worst where the two most stable genes cannot be ranked } \item{variation }{ pairwise variation during stepwise selection } \item{meanM }{ average expression stability M } } \references{ Jo Vandesompele, Katleen De Preter, Filip Pattyn et al. (2002). Accurate normalization of real-time quantitative RT-PCR data by geometric averaging of multiple internal control genes. Genome Biology 2002. 3(7):research0034.1-0034.11. \url{http://genomebiology.com/2002/3/7/research/0034/} } \author{ Dr. Matthias Kohl (SIRS-Lab GmbH) \email{kohl@sirs-lab.com}} %\note{ ~~further notes~~ % % ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %} %\seealso{} \examples{ data(vandesompele) res.BM <- selectHKgenes(vandesompele[1:9,], method = "Vandesompele", geneSymbol = names(vandesompele), minNrHK = 2, trace = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE) } \keyword{data}