\name{combineGSE} \alias{combineGSE} \title{Combines GSE results} \description{ Combines GSE results obtained from a sepatate set of gene-to-phenotypes scores } \usage{ combineGSE(gseOut, method) } \arguments{ \item{gseOut}{a list of lists containing the enrichment results to be combined. This is usually the the output of \code{\link{runBatchGSE}} obtained from a set of distinct genes-to-phenotype scores (usually one per genomic platform)} \item{method}{character, this argument specifies the method used to combine the enrichment results obtained from distinct genes-to-phenotype scores (usually one per genomic platform). Available options are the computation of the geometric or arithmetic means, the use of the median, the selection of the minimun or the maximum enrichment score, and the random selection of a score (respectively \code{"geometricMean"}, \code{"mean"}, \code{"median"}, \code{"min"}, \code{"max"}, and \code{"random"})} } \details{ This function summarize enrichment results obtained from distinct gene-to-phenotypes scores (usually one per genomic platform) by one of several alternative methods. } \value{ The output is a list of lists containing integrated enrichment results for all FGS collections } \references{ Svitlana Tyekucheva, Luigi Marchionni, Rachel Karchin, and Giovanni Parmigiani. "Integrating diverse genomic data using gene sets." Manuscript submitted. } \author{ Luigi Marchionni \email{marchion@jhu.edu} } \examples{ ###load gse analysis results for separate gene-to-phenotype score data(gseResultsSep) ###combine enrichment score results using geometric mean gseABS.sep.geoMean <- combineGSE(gseResultsSep, method="geometricMean") ###combine enrichment score results using maximum value gseABS.sep.max <- combineGSE(gseResultsSep, method="max") } %\note{ ~~further notes~~ % ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %} %\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \keyword{ manip }