\name{picsFDR} \alias{picsFDR} \title{Compute the global FDR} \description{ Calculate an estimate of the FDR for PICS. This calculation requires control data (e.g. from an input DNA sample). } \usage{ picsFDR(picsIP,picsCont,filter=list(delta=c(0,Inf),se=c(0,Inf),sigmaSqF=c(0,Inf),sigmaSqR=c(0,Inf))) } \arguments{ \item{picsIP}{An object of class 'picsList' as returned by 'PICS' when run on IP/Control data.} \item{picsCont}{An object of class 'picsList' as returned by 'PICS' when run on Control/IP data.} \item{filter}{A list of filters to be used before computing the FDR. By default all regions are included. See details for more info on how to specify the filters.} } \value{ A dataframe with three columns corresponding to the estimated FDR, the score, and the number of regions. } \references{ X. Zhang, G. Robertson, M. Krzywinski, K. Ning, A. Droit, S. Jones, and R. Gottardo, ``PICS: Probabilistic Inference for ChIP-seq'' arXiv, 0903.3206, 2009. To appear in Biometrics. } \author{ Xuekui Zhang, Arnaud Droit <\email{arnaud.droit@crchuq.ualaval.ca}> and Raphael Gottardo <\email{rgottard@fhcrc.org}>} \seealso{ \code{\link{pics}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ # Segment the reads in order to identify candidate regions segC<-segmentReads(RD, minReads=3,invert=TRUE) # Use the serial version of PICS picsC<-PICS(segC,dataType='TF') plot(pics,picsC,xlim=c(0,50),ylim=c(0,.2),filter=list(delta=c(50,300),se=c(0,50),sigmaSqF=c(0,22500),sigmaSqR=c(0,22500)),type="l") } } \keyword{models}