\name{accessors} \title{Accessor functions for OTUset and TAXset objects} \alias{otuID} \alias{otuID,.OTUset-method} \alias{sampleID} \alias{sampleID,.OTUbase-method} \alias{tax} \alias{tax,.TAXset-method} \alias{tax<-} \alias{tax<-,.TAXset-method} \alias{tax<-,.TAXset,data.frame-method} \description{ These functions provide access to some of the slots of OTUset and TAXset objects. \code{otuID} returns the \code{otuID} slot of OTUset objects. \code{sampleID} returns the \code{sampleID} slot of both OTUset and TAXset objects. \code{tax} and \code{tax<-} return and replace the \code{tax} slot of TAXset objects. } \usage{ sampleID(object, ...) otuID(object, ...) tax(object, ...) tax(object)<-value } \arguments{ \item{object}{An OTUset or a TAXset object} \item{value}{The replacement value for \code{tax}} \item{...}{Added for completeness. Enables the passing of arguments.} } \value{ \code{sampleID} and \code{otuID} return a character. \code{tax} returns a data.frame. } \examples{ ## locate directory with data dirPath <- system.file("extdata/Sogin_2006", package="OTUbase") ## read in data into OTUset object soginOTU <- readOTUset(dirPath=dirPath, level="0.03", samplefile="sogin.groups", fastafile="sogin.fasta", otufile="sogin.unique.filter.fn.list", sampleADF="sample_metadata.txt") ## get the sampleID slot sampleID(soginOTU) ## get the otuID slot otuID(soginOTU) } \seealso{ \code{\link{ShortRead}} }