\name{abundance} \title{abundance} \alias{abundance,.TAXset-method} \alias{abundance,.OTUset-method} \alias{abundance} \description{ \code{abundance} generates an abundance table. This table can be either weighted or unweighted. } \usage{ abundance(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An OTUset or a TAXset object} \item{...}{Additional arguments. These will depend on if the object is an OTUset or a TAXset object.} } \details{ These are other arguments passed to \code{abundance} \itemize{ \item{taxCol}{ If generating the abundance from a TAXset object, \code{taxCol} selects the column of the \code{tax} dataframe from which to calculate the abundance.} \item{assignmentCol}{ If generating the abundance from an OTUset object \code{assignmentCol} will select a column of the \code{assignmentData} dataframe to use when calculating abundance. This will override the default of creating an abundance table of the OTUs and instead create an abundance table of a column in the \code{assignmentData} dataframe.} \item{sampleCol}{ \code{sampleCol} generates the abundance table using a column in the sampleData data fram instead of the default of using the sampleID.} \item{collab}{ An optional parameter that selets a column of the \code{sampleData} dataframe to use when labeling the columns of the abundance table.} \item{weighted}{ By default this is FALSE. When set to TRUE \code{abundance} will return proportional abundances.} } } \value{ The returned value will be a data.frame. } \examples{ ## locate directory with data dirPath <- system.file("extdata/Sogin_2006", package="OTUbase") ## read in data into OTUset object soginOTU <- readOTUset(dirPath=dirPath, level="0.03", samplefile="sogin.groups", fastafile="sogin.fasta", otufile="sogin.unique.filter.fn.list", sampleADF="sample_metadata.txt") ## calculate abundance abundance(soginOTU, collab="Site") } \keyword{abundance}