\name{plot.icsurv} \alias{plot.icsurv} \title{ A plot method for the estimates produced by the estimation methods in Icens. } \description{ Produces nice plots of the estimated NPMLE. } \usage{ \S3method{plot}{icsurv}(x, type="eq", surv=FALSE, bounds=FALSE, shade=3, density=30, angle=45, lty=1, new=TRUE, xlab="Time", ylab="Probability", main="GMLE", ltybnds=2, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ The estimate of the NPMLE. } \item{type}{ Three options, "eq" for equivalence call, "gw" for the Groeneboom-Wellner estimate, and "lc" for the left-continuous estimate. } \item{surv}{ Logical indicating whether or not to plot the survival curve. } \item{bounds}{ Logical indicating whether or not to include bounds around the estimate. } \item{shade}{ An integer in 1, 2, or 3 denoting what component of the plot to shade. } \item{density}{ The density of shading lines, in lines per inch. } \item{angle}{ The slope of shading lines, given as an angle in degrees (counter-clockwise). } \item{lty}{ The line type for the estimates. } \item{new}{ Logical indicating whether or not to create a new plot. } \item{xlab}{ The x-axis label. } \item{ylab}{ The y-axis label. } \item{main}{ The main title for the plot. } \item{ltybnds}{ The line type for the bounds on the estimates. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments passed to the plot function. } } \value{ No value is returned. A plot of the NPMLE is made on the active graphics device. } \author{Alain Vandal and Robert Gentleman. } \seealso{\code{\link{VEM}}, \code{\link{ISDM}}, \code{\link{EMICM}}, \code{\link{PGM}} } \examples{ data(cosmesis) csub1 <- subset(cosmesis, subset=Trt==0, select=c(L,R)) e1 <- VEM(csub1) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(e1) data(pruitt) e2 <- EM(csub1) plot(e2) e3 <- PGM(csub1) plot(e3) e4 <- EMICM(csub1) plot(e4) } \keyword{hplot}