\name{Plotboxes} \alias{Plotboxes} \title{ Plot the event time regions for bivariate data. } \description{ Plot rectangles described by the interval given in the first two arguments.} \usage{ Plotboxes(int1, int2, textp=FALSE, showmac=FALSE, showsupp=FALSE, showmp=FALSE, cliques=NULL, macprod=NULL, density=c(2, 8, 20), col=c(2, 3, 4), offsetx=0.02, offsety=0.03) } \arguments{ \item{int1}{ The intervals for the x dimension. } \item{int2}{ The intervals for the y dimension. } \item{textp}{ Boolen, if true add text. } \item{showmac}{ Boolean, if true then the maximal cliques are shown in a different color? } \item{showsupp}{ Boolean, if true show support boxes. } \item{showmp}{ Boolean } \item{cliques}{ Maximal cliques. } \item{macprod}{ macprod } \item{density}{ The density of the polygon shading lines, in lines per inch. } \item{col}{ Color for plotting features. } \item{offsetx}{ Offset for x-axis. } \item{offsety}{ Offset for y-axis. } } \value{ No value is returned. The event rectangles are plotted on the active graphics device. } \references{ \emph{Graph--Theoretical Aspects of Bivariate Censored Data}, R. Gentleman and A. Vandal, 1999, submitted. } \author{ A. Vandal and R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{BVclmat}}, \code{\link{BVsupport}}, \code{\link{BVcliques}} } \examples{ data(cmv) Plotboxes(cmv[,1:2], cmv[,3:4], showmac=TRUE) } \keyword{aplot}