\name{exportTracks} \alias{exportTracks} \title{ Export GenomeGraph tracks to a annotation file representation. } \description{ This function is still a bit experimental. So far only BED export is supported. } \usage{ exportTracks(tracks, range, chromosome, file) } \arguments{ \item{tracks}{A list of annotation track objects to be exported into a single BED file.} \item{range}{A numeric vector or length 2. The genomic range to display when opening the file in a browser.} \item{chromosome}{The chromosome to display when opening the file in a browser.} \item{file}{Character, the path to the file to write into.} } \details{ FIXME: Need to support wgl exports as well... } \value{ The function is called for its side effect of writing to a file. } \author{ Florian Hahne }