\name{plot.genominator.coverage} \alias{plot.genominator.coverage} \title{ Create coverage plot } \description{ S3 method to plot \code{genominator.coverage} object. Shows coverage as a function of plotting effort. } \usage{ \method{plot}{genominator.coverage}(x, type = "l", col = NULL, draw.totals = TRUE, draw.legend = TRUE, legend.location = NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of class \code{genominator.coverage}, as returned by \code{\link{computeCoverage}}. } \item{type}{ Plot type. See \code{\link{plot}}. } \item{col}{ Vector of plotting colors. } \item{draw.totals}{ Logical indicating whether totals should be drawn. } \item{draw.legend}{ Logical indicating whether legend should be drawn. } \item{legend.location}{ Vector giving x and y coordinates of legend position. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments for lower-level functions. } } \value{ This method is used for its side effect. } \author{ James Bullard \email{bullard@berkeley.edu}, Kasper Daniel Hansen \email{khansen@jhsph.edu} } \seealso{ See \code{Genominator} vignette for more information. See also \code{\link{computeCoverage}}. } \examples{ ed <- ExpData(system.file(package = "Genominator", "sample.db"), tablename = "raw") data("yeastAnno") a <- computeCoverage(ed, yeastAnno, effort = 2^(5:18), cutoff = function(x, ...) x > 1) plot(a, lwd = 5, col = "grey") plot(a, draw.totals = FALSE) ygroups <- rep(c("mut", "wt"), c(2,2)) b <- computeCoverage(ed, yeastAnno, grups = ygroups, effort = 2^(5:18), cutoff = function(x, ...) x > 1) plot(b) b <- computeCoverage(ed, yeastAnno, groups = ygroups, effort = 2^(5:18), cutoff = function(x, ...) x > 3, smooth = function(probs) { probs = probs + min(probs[probs!=0]) probs = probs/sum(probs) }) plot(b) } \keyword{hplot}