\name{getRegion} \alias{getRegion} \title{ Select a region from an ExpData object. } \description{ This function selects a subset of the data that falls into a particular contiguous genomic region. } \usage{ getRegion(expData, chr, start, end, strand, what = "*", whereClause = "", verbose = getOption("verbose")) } \arguments{ \item{expData}{ An object of class \code{ExpData}. } \item{chr}{ Chromosome number of desired region. } \item{start}{ Start position of desired region. If omitted, it is set to 0. } \item{end}{ End position of desired region. If omitted, it is set to 1e12. } \item{strand}{ Strand of desired region. Values of 1 or -1 return data from forward or reverse strand. A value of 0 or a missing argument returns data from any strand, including data with missing strand information. } \item{what}{ A vector of column names specifying which columns of the data should be returned. Defaults to all columns. } \item{whereClause}{ Additional filtration criteria, customizable to refer to additional data columns. See Details for more explanation. } \item{verbose}{ Logical indicating whether details should be printed. } } \details{ The argument \code{whereClause} should be a string indicating a subset of the data to be selected, using SQL syntax. For example, if you have a column called \code{category}, you could specify \code{category = 1} to select only those data entries where category has a value of 1. This function operates as a database query, and this argument can include logical combinations of multiple criteria. } \value{ Returns a data frame containing the data from the desired region, with the desired columns. } \author{ James Bullard \email{bullard@berkeley.edu}, Kasper Daniel Hansen \email{khansen@jhsph.edu} } \seealso{ See \code{Genominator} vignette for more information. } \examples{ ed <- ExpData(system.file(package = "Genominator", "sample.db"), tablename = "raw") c1 <- getRegion(ed, chr = 1) dim(c1) head(c1) } \keyword{manip}