\name{computeCoverage} \alias{computeCoverage} \title{ Compute effort-coverage values } \description{ Compute fraction coverage obtained for a certain degree of sequencing effort. } \usage{ computeCoverage(expData, annoData, cutoff = function(x, anno, group) { x > 10 }, effort = seq(1e+05, 5e+07, length = 20), smooth = function(probs) { probs }, groups = rep("ALL", length(what)), what = getColnames(expData, all = FALSE), totals = summarizeExpData(expData, what = what, verbose = verbose), ignoreStrand = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose"), \dots) } \arguments{ \item{expData}{ An \code{ExpData} object. } \item{annoData}{ A data frame which must contain the columns \code{chr}, \code{start}, \code{end} and \code{strand} which specifies annotation regions of interest. } \item{cutoff}{ A predicate which determines when a region of annotation has been "sequenced". This function takes three arguments x = number of reads in region, anno = the annotation description of the region, group = the group it is in. } \item{effort}{ Effort is a vector of how much sequencing has been done. } \item{smooth}{ A function which takes as input the vector of probabilities and must return the probabilities. } \item{groups}{ The different groups for which to calculate coverage. } \item{what}{ The different columns, must be the same length as the groups. } \item{totals}{ The lane totals, or some other totals. This allows us to estimate the sampling probability vector. } \item{ignoreStrand}{ Whether or not to add over strands. } \item{verbose}{ Do you want to see output. } \item{\dots}{ Extra argument passed to cutoff. } } \details{ This argument is pretty general as different ways of specifying the arguments allows one to compute "coverage" under a lot of different definitions. } \value{ Returns an object of class \code{genominator.coverage}. Pretty much you'll want to call plot on this object. } \author{ James Bullard \email{bullard@berkeley.edu}, Kasper Daniel Hansen \email{khansen@jhsph.edu} } \seealso{ See the \code{\link{plot.genominator.coverage}} for the plotting method and the \code{Genominator} vignette for details. } \examples{ ed <- ExpData(system.file(package = "Genominator", "sample.db"), tablename = "raw") data("yeastAnno") a <- computeCoverage(ed, yeastAnno, effort = 2^(5:18), cutoff = function(x, ...) x > 1, smooth = FALSE) names(a) } \keyword{misc}