\name{power.genotype.conti} \alias{power.genotype.conti} \alias{simu.genotype.conti} \title{power for genetic studies using baseline measure} \description{ Estimate power for genetice studies using baseline measurements via simulation. } \usage{ power.genotype.conti(N, Rep = 2000, alpha = 0.05, ...) simu.genotype.conti(N, p=0.15, pi=0, me1=50, me2=me1, delta=-5, sd1=10, sd2=10, verbose=FALSE, minh=c('additive', 'dominant', 'recessive'), genotype.delta=TRUE, Factor=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{N}{total number of subjects} \item{p}{frequency of A (affected) allele} \item{Rep}{number of simulatin runs used to estimate power} \item{alpha}{significance level} \item{pi}{ correlation coefficient} \item{me1, me2}{mean of control and treatment groups} \item{delta}{treatment/genotype effect} \item{sd1,sd2}{standard deviation of the control and treatment groups} \item{minh}{mode of inheritance, one of 'additive', 'dominant', or 'recessive'} \item{genotype.delta}{logical indicating whether the treatment effect occurs only for an individual genotype (\code{genotype.delta=TRUE}) or for all genotypes (\code{genotype.delta=FALSE}) } \item{Factor}{Should the simulated treatment variable 'Trt' be be treated as a factor variable (\code{Factor=TRUE}) or as a numeric variable (\code{Factor=FALSE}).} \item{verbose}{Should information about each simulated data set and model fit be displayed.} \item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to \code{simu.genotype.conti}} } \details{ } \value{ ~Describe the value returned If it is a LIST, use \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'} \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'} ... } \references{ Frison and Pocock (1992) "Repeated measures in clinical trials: analysis using mean summary statistics and its implications for design" Statistics in Medicine 11:1685-1704 Vickers (2001) "The use of percentage change from baseline as an outcome in a controlled trial is statistically inefficient: a simulation study" BMC Med Res Methodol. 2001; 1 (1): 6 } \author{Michael Man, minor changes by Gregory R. Warnes \email{greg@random-technologies-llc.com} } \seealso{ \code{\link{power.casectrl}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ # use defaults, 100 subjects power.genotype.conti(N=100) # same calculation, specifying all values power.genotype.conti(N=100, Rep=2000, p=0.15, pi=0, me1=50, me2=50, delta=-5, sd1=10, sd2=10, verbose=FALSE, minh='additive', genotype.delta=TRUE, Factor=FALSE) # Show details for small simulation study power.genotype.conti(N=10, verbose=TRUE) } \dontshow{ # test code set.seed(100) power.genotype.conti(N=100, Rep=10) power.genotype.conti(N=100, Rep=10, p=0.15, pi=0, me1=50, me2=50, delta=-5, sd1=10, sd2=10, verbose=FALSE, minh='additive', genotype.delta=TRUE, Factor=FALSE) } } \keyword{design}