\name{errRates} \alias{errRates} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Calculating FDR, FNDR, FPR, and FNR for a real microarray data set} \description{ Calculating FDR, FNDR, FPR, and FNR for a real microarray data set based on the mixture of marginal distributions. } \usage{ errRates(obj.gsMMD) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{obj.gsMMD}{an object returned by \code{gsMMD}, \code{gsMMD.default}, \code{gsMMD2}, or \code{gsMMD2.default} } } \details{ We first fit the real microarray data set by the mixture of marginal distributions. Then we calculate the error rates based on the posterior distributions of a gene belonging to a gene cluster given its gene profiles. Please refer to Formula (7) on the page 6 of the paper listed in the Reference section. } \value{ A vector of 4 elements: \item{FDR }{the percentage of nondifferentially expressed genes among selected genes.} \item{FNDR }{the percentage of differentially expressed genes among unselected genes.} \item{FPR }{the percentage of selected genes among nondifferentially expressed genes} \item{FNR }{the percentage of un-selected genes among differentially expressed genes} } \references{ Qiu, W.-L., He, W., Wang, X.-G. and Lazarus, R. (2008). A Marginal Mixture Model for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes across Two Types of Tissue Samples. \emph{The International Journal of Biostatistics. 4(1):Article 20.} \url{http://www.bepress.com/ijb/vol4/iss1/20} } \author{ Weiliang Qiu \email{stwxq@channing.harvard.edu}, Wenqing He \email{whe@stats.uwo.ca}, Xiaogang Wang \email{stevenw@mathstat.yorku.ca}, Ross Lazarus \email{ross.lazarus@channing.harvard.edu} } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(ALL) data(ALL) eSet1 <- ALL[1:100, ALL$BT == "B3" | ALL$BT == "T2"] mem.str <- as.character(eSet1$BT) nSubjects <- length(mem.str) memSubjects <- rep(0,nSubjects) # B3 coded as 0, T2 coded as 1 memSubjects[mem.str == "T2"] <- 1 obj.gsMMD <- gsMMD(eSet1, memSubjects, transformFlag = TRUE, transformMethod = "boxcox", scaleFlag = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) round(errRates(obj.gsMMD), 3) } } \keyword{classif }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS